Kiwanis In Direct Service (K.I.D.S.) for Riley is an exciting committee to benefit the families of Riley Hospital for Children, Indiana’s only comprehensive children’s hospital. Coordinated by Hoosier Kiwanians, this initiative helps meet the needs of Riley families through hands-on support and service projects that benefit children at the hospital and throughout communities statewide.
Komfort Kart
Urgent Request!
Komfort Kart has run out of items, and we would greatly appreciate your donations to help us replenish our stock.
Rita and Jim Dinius have been volunteering at Riley Hospital for Children for more than 20 years! Once a month, they drive two hours each way to spend the day at the hospital. Their current role involves taking the Kiwanis Club “Komfort Kart” around to the different units in the hospital to provide essential items to Riley parents. They say they enjoy chatting with the parents and offering a little help during a difficult time.
Join the Kiwanis In Direct Support (K.I.D.S.) Team!
K.I.D.S Committee Shirt

Kiwanis In Direct Service (K.I.D.S) Committee
KIDS Chair- Taka Ogata
Riley Chair-Melissa Sexton
KIDS Secretary-Steve Ingram
KIDS Marketing Chair-Adrianne Hernandez
Safety Store-Cara Fast and Vanessa McClary
Transportation-Felicia Deixon
Komfort Kart-Susan Schwarz and Marge Crouch
Adaptive Equipment-Gary Behling
Division Riley Advocates
KIDS Duneland Division Advocate-Paul Sciarra
Asst. Advocate-Chuck King
KIDS Calumet Division Advocate-John Anderson
KIDS Explorer Division Advocate-Mary Jo Sartorius
Asst. Advocate-Kelley Nease
KIDS Land of Lakes Division Advocate-Melinda Roose
KIDS Potawatomi Division Advocate-Michael Suhany
KIDS Arrowhead Division Advocate-Carrie Ashcom Pennington
Asst. Advocate-Chuck Newton
KIDS Wabash Valley Division Advocate-John Emshwiller
KIDS Johnny Appleseed Division Advocate-Rachael Jordan
KIDS Wapahani Division Advocate-Felicia Dixon
Asst. Advocate-Ed Armantrout
KIDS Sycamore North Division Advocate-Lary Graves
KIDS Sagamore Division Advocate-Gary Behling
KIDS Sycamore South Division Advocate-Sharon Canaday
KIDS Capitol Division Advocate-Scott Splichal
KIDS Circle City Division Advocate-Joanne Underwood
KIDS Indy Metro Division Advocate-Michael Colegrove
Asst. Advocate-Bill Hubbard
KIDS Scenic Hills Division Advocate-Al Riggle
KIDS Collegiate Division Advocate-Steve Butwin
KIDS Hoosier Division Advocate-Vanessa McClary
KIDS Rose Division Advocate-Don Kowalke
KIDS Farmland Division Advocate-John Hutchinson
KIDS Heartland Division Advocate-Dennis Wydau
KIDS Buffalo Trace Division Advocate-Robyn Haase
KIDS Lincoln Division Advocate-Melinda Remley
KIDS Southwind Division Advocate-Diane Masterson