Young Children Priority One (YCPO) is a service project with a focus on addressing the needs of young children, from pregnancy through age five. The initiative aims to enhance the lives of children by promoting health, education, and safety.

Why does a focus on young children matter?

  • 90% of brain development happens before age 5!
  • Healthy moms deliver healthy babies
  • Parents require education on many topics, such as how to manage demands of caring for children and how to both avoid and respond to emergencies

Focus Areas

  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Child Care Development
  • Parent Education and Support
  • Safety and Pediatric Trauma

What are some examples of projects?

  • Maternal and Child Health: Diaper drive, working with organizations such as Easter Seals, immunization education
  • Child Care and Development: Book drives, support a preschool or child care program
  • Parent Education and Support: Sponsor a parenting fair, start family resource library, child abuse prevention education
  • Safety and Pediatric Trauma: Gun safety, drowning prevention, bike helmets, safety fair

Earning distinction for Kiwanis clubs for 2024-25 Kiwanis Year

Support at least two projects with a focus on young children, either current or new projects.


Indiana District Chair: Melody Jordahl-Iafrato, MD, MPH, FAAFP; Kiwanis Club of Greenfield.


Dr. Wil Blechman,served as Kiwanis International President in 1990-91, helped launch Young Children Priority One. He give us an animated look at how Young Children Priority One came to be.

Through community-driven projects, partnerships, and educational programs, Kiwanis clubs worldwide work to create a safe, healthy, and supportive environment where young children can thrive. Whether it’s building playgrounds, providing essential supplies, advocating for child safety, or supporting early education initiatives, YCPO exemplifies Kiwanis’ commitment to putting children first, making a meaningful difference in the lives of families and communities.