All Indiana Kiwanians make up the membership of the Kiwanis Indiana Foundation, Inc. (aka the Indiana District Foundation) The Foundation has 501(c)(3) status and all contributions to the foundation are tax deductible.
Scholarship Application Package
Your Kiwanis Indiana Foundation is pleased to offer your club the opportunity to nominate a graduating high school student for a $1,000.00 scholarship. One Indiana Foundation Scholarship will be awarded to each of the 17 Indiana Kiwanis Divisions. Each form below has a form you can fill-in, then print and mail OR a pdf copy that is easy to just print and fill-in by hand.
- Scholarship Cover Letter to Clubs (Download)
- Form Letter to send to School (Download)
- Scholarship Instructions for Clubs (Download)
- Foundation Scholarship Application (Download)
Grant Application Package
The Foundation makes grants to increase the capacity of Indiana District of Kiwanis clubs, and Indiana District of Kiwanis supported projects, to respond effectively to the needs of the citizens of the state. In general, the Foundation prefers funding for projects that further the Objects of Kiwanis.
Be sure to include your project budget (income and expenses) and an IRS W-9 Form for your club.
Foundation Awards

The Kiwanis Indiana Foundation has established a recognition award for presenting to anyone who has gone “above and beyond” in serving their Kiwanis club, their community or others. It could be awarded to an outgoing President, Lt. Governor, or other club officer – someone who has brought in several new members, a member who has taken on and completed a new service project – or anyone else you or your club feel have accomplished great things.
The Honoree will receive a beautifully designed Eagle lapel pin and a certificate with the $250 donation to the Kiwanis Indiana Foundation.

J.L. McCulloch AWARD
A personal gift of $1,000 to the Kiwanis Indiana Foundation, Inc., by an individual entitles him or her to the J.L. McCulloch Award. The recipient of this award is recognized with a framed medallion, a ribboned medallion, and either a lapel pin or a pendant.
This is the Indiana District’s most prestigious award and is named for our first Kiwanis Indiana District Governor. The receiving of this award by its honored recipients has left a legacy to the service and good works begun by the man for whom it is named.
Foundation Awards Brochure (download pdf here)
Kiwanis Indiana Foundation Bylaws approved by the Indiana Foundation Board on 11/11/17.