Thank you for your participation, donation and passion!
Service Project & Parade of Checks
When: 1pm – 4pm EST, September 18th, 2022
Where: Global Village Welcome Center (4233 Lafayette Rd, Indianapolis, IN, 46254)
12:30 pm Door Opens (Loading dock opens to receive donation items)
1:00 pm Opening Statement
1:05 pm Service Project / Riley Update /
2:20 pm BREAK
2:30 pm Riley Champion
2:50 pm Announcements
3:10 pm Parade of Checks
4:00 pm Closing Statement
Big Riley Event Registration
Service Project
We will make 300 slime kits and 100 craft kits for the Child Life Zone. Let’s support kids to be kids, especially when they are undergoing treatment for health issues. GET READY FOR SOME ACTION!!
Bring Items for Komfort Kart and Food Pantry
Please bring items for the Komfort Kart and the Food Pantry to the event. We will have a presentation time to donate all items received to the Riley Children’s Hospital during the event. And don’t forget about pop tabs too.
Parade of Checks
Bring your check for Riley, and let’s celebrate your impact on the Riley Children together!
*Check payable to Kiwanis Indiana Foundation Memo: Riley Children’s Hospital